Personal Details Summary | |
Name | Carolyn Giannelli |
Birthday / Age / Date of Birth / How old is Carolyn Giannelli? | Born on September 29, 1985. As of 2024, she is around 39 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Carolyn Giannelli Husband / Spouse / Partner | Currently not married, possibly single. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Children / No. of Kids | None |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White (Italian) |
Nationality | American |
Where is Carolyn Giannelli now? | Currently, she works in auction hunting and resale, and first appeared on Auction Hunters as Alan Haff’s bidding rival. |
Introduction :
- Carolyn Giannelli is an auctioneer and television personality from Anaheim Hills, California in the USA.
- Attractive and mysterious, Carolyn prefers to keep a low profile and as such, not much is known about her outside of her appearances on TV.
Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :
- Giannelli was born and raised in the USA.
- She currently lives in her hometown of Anaheim Hills, California.
- In 2012, she was rumored to be dating fellow auctioneer and television personality, Allen Haff after they were spotted being cozy on the set of the hit series, Auction Hunters.
- Neither she nor Allen ever confirmed the rumors. Haff later departed from the show in 2015.
Education : Qualifications, High School & College Info
- Carolyn graduated from high school in 2003 and later went on to earn a degree from Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut, CA.
Career, Job, Salary and Net Worth :
- After university, Carolyn worked as a self-employed auctioneer and entrepreneur.
- In 2012, she was introduced to the Spike TV series, Auction Hunters, by longtime showrunners Ton Jones and Allen Haff.
- Carolyn started off on the show as a bidder but was later promoted to be Haff and Jones’ assistant on an episode that was shot in Hawaii.
- Many fans questioned her appearance when she was the first cast, with several taking to the internet to set up forums where they discussed who she was and whether or not she was dating fellow castmate Allen Haff.
- Carolyn lasted only a few episodes on the show before she posted on Facebook that she was leaving the show to focus on her own personal ventures.
- Ton and Alan followed her shortly after her departure.
- Outside of Auction Hunters, Giannelli also buys and resells her own units.
Measurements :
- Eye Color : Blue
- Haircut / Hair Color : Blonde
- How tall is Carolyn Giannelli Height : 5′2″
- Feet / Legs / Boots / Shoe Size : No confirmed information is available.
- Pregnant? : Currently, she is not expecting a baby.
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