To spike the ball, hold Circle/B after a play is complete. It’ll act like a No Huddle, with some seconds being run off the game clock as everyone gets into position, and then your quarterback will immediately throw the ball into the ground on the snap.Click to see full answer. Then, how do you spike the ball in Madden?Hold Y (360) or Triangle (PS3) to repeat the same play immediately, though you can always audible out of it. Conversely, you can hold B (360) or Circle (PS3) to call a No Huddle Spike, so your quarterback will immediately spike the ball when they get lined up on the line of scrimmage.Subsequently, question is, how do you intercept in Madden 20? Quickly swap to the closest defender and ball hawk. Going for interceptions and user picks in Madden 20 is similar to previous years in that it requires that you take control of the defensive player while the ball is in the air, position yourself correctly and press a button to make the interception. Keeping this in view, how do you spike the ball in Madden 18? You can hold O (B) after a play to race to the line of scrimmage to spike the ball, which stops the clock and lets you pick a new play. Or, if you like what happened on the previous play and want a repeat, you can hold Triangle (Y) to initiate a hurry up offense.How do you spike a ball?Swing your arms back briskly as you bend your knees. When you jump, your entire body should move in one upward swing, putting you in the best possible position to spike the ball. Practice jumping as high as you can and spiking the ball at the height of your jump every time. Try working with a spike trainer.
