After a busy day of bottle feedings, diaper changes and firing free nurses for her 14 children, Nadya Suleman ran one final errand on Thursday night: She and her friend drove over to pick up octuplet babies No. 5 and 6 from the hospital.

“They’re both calm and quiet,” Suleman said.

“I’m really excited to get them home.”

Doctors at the hospital handed over brothers Makai (5 lbs., pounds, 5 oz.) and Jeremiah (5 lbs., 14 oz.) to Suleman at 7:30 p.m. Thursday.

They arrived home a half hour later, wrapped in blankets and sleeping.

To celebrate the octuplets’ 2-month birthday, a nanny working for the drain on society (and obviously funded by taxpayers, not any sort of Octo-income) baked cupcakes, which Suleman’s six older children reportedly devoured.

That’s right, she had six effing kids before she was Octomom.

It’s been a busy couple of months for Nadya Suleman, a.k.a. Octomom. What does she have up her sleeve for her next desperate plea for attention? Nine kids?

The calm scene at Suleman’s residence in La Habra was a contrast to the circus-like atmosphere that unfolded last week when the first two octuplets came home.

At that time, adozen police officers had to seal off the streets around Nadya Suleman‘s home to keep crowds away. Baby No. 7 is due home in the next few days.

Click below to enlarge some pics of Octomom shopping over the weekend with two of her older kids. It’s pretty much as awesome and exciting as it sounds:

[Photo Credits: Splash News Online]
