Val Venis has had plenty of trouble keeping his Twitter account online over the years. Venis, real name Sean Morley, has used the platform to spread misinformation, including QAnon-related conspiracy theories about Hunter Biden and human trafficking. It appears Twitter had enough of the Big Valbowski.

The account, @ValVenisEnt, is now showing a message stating that it has been suspended. Morley has a history of getting in trouble with Twitter. A bizarre rant in January of 2021 claimed to have photographic evidence of Hunter Biden molesting children and using cocaine. Val Venis claimed he also had evidence of Biden doing cocaine with President Obama’s daughter, Malia.

Of course, the evidence was fake. Before Twitter could suspend Sean Morley, he deleted his account. That came after over year of complaints that he was being silenced by the social media platform due to his extreme right-wing views.

Val Venis joins former President Donald Trump in being banned from Twitter. The company began cracking down on misinformation after the COVID-19 pandemic was exploited to split the nation politically. It is shocking that he wasn’t suspended sooner.

It is unclear exactly what Morley posted that resulted in his suspension. He recently shared doctored clip of Will Smith punching former First Lady Michelle Obama in the crotch, a reference to the ridiculous right-wing conspiracy theory that Obama was born a man.

Val Venis has also shared several pro-Putin videos since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He has called Ukrainian president Vlodymyr Zelenskyy a pedophile, a claim that is unfounded. For now, Sean Morley will have to look to alternative outlets such as Gab and the failing Truth Social app.

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