As much as the 1970s and 1980s produced a lot of great rock music, it can be said that a lot of the lyrics from those decades aged like milk. Sexually charged, misogynistic, and occasionally homophobic lyrics that people ignored in past decades could get musicians canceled in the present day. And while the word "woke" was nothing more than the past tense of "wake" back in the early '90s, Kurt Cobain was ahead of his time in his distaste for questionable lyrics, including those that came from classic rock mainstays Led Zeppelin and AC/DC.

In an interview with Forbes, former Nirvana manager Danny Goldberg answered in the affirmative when he was asked if he agrees with Cobain's assessment that '70s and '80s mainstream rock was "inherently sexist and homophobic." He also made sure to emphasize that the late frontman did like the music even if he didn't agree with the lyrical content. "He liked Led Zeppelin's music — and AC/DC," Goldberg clarified. "But the lyrics were not something that he felt comfortable with, for exactly the reason that you said."

Goldberg went on to explain that Cobain was someone who was in tune with the punk rock ethos and was all about rebelling against conventional, oftentimes conservative values. And while his musical tastes were much more diverse than those of the average punk rocker, he also lived by a certain set of principles that tempered his appreciation for certain bands."That was one of the things to me that made him such an exciting artist to know and to work with; and that included a real abhorrence of macho stereotypes and behavior," Goldberg said.
